The Best Gift for Mom on Mother's Day

Flowers, card, chocolates, scarf, etc.., are some great ideal gifts for mom in remembering them on mother's day. But what about mom's or are not longer here or even what is truly a special gift that forever be in here heart. Just like poetry in the old days when we express our thoughts and love for mom, had you ever thought of juts maybe living the good caring humanly and god fearing life would be such a long enduring gift for her? As if you do get that connection, mom even when gone will always be alive in spirit smiling and pleased that she got the best gift she ever wanted in us. The thought of inner feeling that will be eternal is sometimes such a sacred moment that will always be remembered for years to come. And don't forget, a short note or even a saying that we are living to be her best gift will be her best moment. Happy Mother's Day. https://adleinternationa...