How Toxic is Fear and Gossip in a Poor and Depression Economy

Absolutely, fearlessly, instantaneously and also sad yo say greddily. This is because the simple fact is that it is both good and evil. When the dogs are away, the cats are hopping through the halls.

Yes, it is understandeble to cut back and be affordable but not cheap and so darn cheap because the greedy ones are going to alive again and amaze all the deals they can. Then in turn, theywould say that they did not smuggle the stuff away from the avaerage low income joe.

So the key is "A F F O R D A B L E: whether books, textbooks, food, games, music, and clothes. Yes, becase when you spend the greedy ones don't spend a lot thibnking that they will just do it when your cash is gone. But to hell with them because the value will be gone by then.

Let the greedy ones but the cheap things in large quantities while you goi into buyuig the affordable need.

The world has been in so many freaking seconomic challenmges today that merely doing nothing will just further the ordeal.

I still want to watch the new small business idol on TV so go now and buy.


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